What’s the difference between content vs. social media marketing? We’re here to get to the bottom of it!

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a component of digital marketing. It includes blogs, video, social media posts and other promotional content that’s published online. Social media marketing falls under the content marketing umbrella.

Businesses use content marketing to create a pathway for customers to find their products and services and perform a desired action—like sign up for a newsletter, book an appointment, or purchase a product. Content marketing helps businesses improve their SEO (search engine optimization), improve organic search ranking results, and beat the competition.

How Does Content Marketing Work?

Think of it like this: your refrigerator dies. Ugh! So, you go online and Google “best stainless steel refrigerators.” A bunch of articles comparing refrigerators pop up.

You needed information to solve a problem. Google helped you find the answers. And companies created this content for you to find so you buy their products and services. That’s the goal of content marketing!

Because it leads consumers directly to your product or service when it can solve a problem they have, content marketing is worth the investment. Here are some great content marketing examples to get you thinking about your business’s content strategy.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is a part of content marketing. It’s the organic posts you publish on social media channels and the social media advertisements you run.

While many business owners hate social media marketing because of the time and energy it demands, social media marketing is a critical component to content marketing and your digital strategy. If you’re trying to improve your search ranking via content marketing, social media will also help! Often times, your social media profile pops up before your website in Google results.

Content vs. Social Media Marketing: Understanding the Differences

What’s the primary difference between content vs. social media marketing? Social media is one of many tactics used in content marketing. Whereas, content marketing encompasses blogs, videos, email marketing, advertising, and other digital marketing tactics. 

Companies can use different mediums to connect with their audiences, but don’t have to necessarily use social media marketing in a content marketing strategy. Although, we always recommend businesses maintain a presence on at least one social media channel. Customers look to social media profiles for context, credibility, and connection.

Why Both Content and Social Media Marketing are Essential for Your Business

The bottom line is that content and social media marketing are essential for your business’s growth. Together, these forms of content funnel customers to your website to complete a desired action: booking an appointment, lead capture, and/or sale. Content marketing is how you found this blog! See? We like to practice what we preach because it works.

Benefits of content and social media marketing for your business include:

  • Awareness – People can’t buy things they don’t know exist. The more you publish content in a variety of places, the more awareness you’ll build for your business
  • Relationships – Customers like doing business with brands they trust and feel connected to. Showing up through content marketing efforts like an email newsletter and on social media sites helps them feel like they’re a part of your business.
  • Top-of-Mind Recall – Remember that refrigerator example above? Since you only buy a new refrigerator every 10 to 20 years, you probably don’t think much about brands. But, you shop at Costco and saw some refrigerators in their most recent e-mail campaign. You’ll think of them first when you go looking for the model you want to consider. Staying top-of-mind is key in the buying cycle so you close the sale.
  • Web Traffic – Every person who visits your website is an opportunity for a sale. Publishing regular SEO content helps people find your website when they search for a product or service relevant to your business. Promoting that content on social media also leads people to your site.

Now, you understand the difference between content vs. social media marketing! You also know they’re both vital to growing your business. But that doesn’t mean you have time to do them yourself. That’s where Charm School comes in. Let us help you with content strategy and social media management. Contact us today to get started!